Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Day Five

NOTE: This post is the sixth in a series following our experiences as my wife and I complete Xyngular’s “8-Day Challenge”.  You’ll find information about the challenge in the initial post, “Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Preparation Day” here (Day 1 here, Day 2 here, Day 3, Day 4).  If you have any questions, are interested in giving it a try yourself, or have already completed the challenge and would like to share any experiences or advice, please feel free to comment below.

Starting Weight: 325.2 lbs

Previous Day’s Weight: 317.0 lbs

Morning Weigh-In: 314.6 lbs

Daily Change in Weight: -2.4 lbs (Shawna: -3.0 lbs)

Total Weight Loss: 10.6 lbs (Shawna: 8.2 lbs)

Day 5 was a bit of a blur for us.  We ended up sleeping even better than the night before, and it was a good thing because we had a lot to get done that day.

Since it was an “eat day”, we didn’t have to worry about getting a snack together for Shawna, but we did have fun trying to weigh ourselves that morning.  For my life I could not get our digital scale to give me the same reading twice in a row.  It jumped all around between 315 and 313, so we figured we’d try to replace the batteries.  Easier said than done.  Apparently this particular scale is very picky about it’s batteries, and good ol’-fashion Duracells simply aren’t dignified enough.  We tried two different sets of four Duracell AAs and could not get the scale to turn on.  Finally, thinking we were going to have to go get a new scale, we took the Duracells out and threw the original batteries back in.  Ta-da!  It worked again!

scale batteriesWe had surely underestimated the superiority of the Golden Power SUPER Heavy Duty batteries.

I brought the scale into a different room and tried to weigh myself once again.  At last!  I was finally able to get two consistent readings in a row!

We took our Xyng and Global Blend and mixed up a Lean shake for Shawna before she headed in for her half-day of work.  We were traveling down to Kansas City that day for a round of birthdays during the weekend.

My morning was primarily dedicated to packing up for the trip and cleaning up the apartment before we left.  I took my Lean shake and washed the dishes before starting on the previous day’s blog post.

We decided that we were going to enjoy some Chipotle for lunch, so I spent some time with their online nutrition calculator to figure out what we’d be able to eat.  I actually managed to build a carnitas salad for less than 500 calories.  Now, usually it takes more than one burrito/bowl to not walk away wanting more, so I figured I’d roast up some broccoli to eat with the salad.  Shawna opted for cheese instead of broccoli.

Chipotle Nutritional Info

At about noon I got everything loaded up in the car and took off to pick up Shawna for lunch.  We took our Cheat+ and drove to Chipotle.  Not knowing what Chipotle’s policy was regarding foreign broccoli in their estblishment, I left my Pyrex bowl of it in the car while we went in to order our salads.  We took them to go and parked so that I could mix my broccoli into the salad.  It worked pretty well.  I made sure to get extra salsa so that I could flavor the broccoli as well.  Between the Cheat+ and the extra veggies, I was quite satisfied when I was done.

After lunch, we began our drive to Kansas City.  One thing that we definitely learned is that “eating days” and road trips don’t mix too well.  You’re already at a disadvantage with the amount of water you’re drinking, but now your digestive system is processing food again.  We did make it to St. Joe before we had to stop for a restroom break, but we barely made it.  I would soon find out that the primary culprit was the spicy salsa that I’d ordered a double of at Chipotle.  It was about a 30 minute restroom break, but the last 1/3 of the drive was much more enjoyable than the first 2/3.

OK JOESWe rolled into Olathe at about 5:15 and had to run a couple errands before we picked up our dinner.  We had planned our whole 8-Day challenge around this dinner.  When we weren’t able to take Shawna’s mom out, we decided that we were going to grab some ribs from Oklahoma Joe’s Barbecue and head to the house to pig out.  Thursday night is “rib night” at Oklahoma Joe’s.  You can get a full slab of pork ribs for about $20.  We picked up two.  We were very glad that we had called our order in ahead of time, because word was out about rib night.  The line usually moves pretty quickly there, but it was out the door, and it was even longer by the time we left.  We were able to get in and out without having to stand meatless in the fog of barbecue goodness like all the other suckers who didn’t call their order in.

OK Joes ribs

Yep, that’s a ruler in the bottom of the frame.

We shared some of the ribs with our friend, Roberta, whose birthday was the next day, but they were pretty high in fat and Shawna did eat a lot of the pickles, so we’ll have to see at the Day 6 Weigh-In what effect that may have had on our progress.  We spent most of the evening with Shawna’s mom and Roberta.  We watched some TV and stayed up until a little after midnight catching up.  At about 12:30am, we went to our room, took our Flush, and watched a couple episodes of “How I Met Your Mother” until we fell asleep.

It was a long day, but we were both glad to be able to get Chipotle and Oklahoma Joe’s in on the same day during a “diet”.  It was pretty awesome to have lost over 10 lbs during the first four days.  I don’t expect to keep that rate up for the entire challenge, but it’s a great start.

Biggest Takeaways from Day 5:

  • It is possible to for me to fill up on Chipotle for 600 calories (if 100 of those calories is approx. 1 lb of broccoli).
  • If you’re traveling on an “eating day”, prepare for a lot of stops!
  • Oklahoma Joe’s is still awesome, and they should open a restaurant in Omaha.


Filed under 8-Day Challenge, Health, Xyngular

3 responses to “Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Day Five

  1. Pingback: Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Day Six | Following Christ

  2. Pingback: Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Day Seven | Following Christ

  3. Pingback: Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Day Eight | Following Christ

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