Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Day Seven

NOTE: This post is the eighth in a series following our experiences as my wife and I complete Xyngular’s “8-Day Challenge”.  You’ll find information about the challenge in the initial post, “Xyngular 8-Day Challenge: Preparation Day” here (Day 1 here, Day 2 here, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6).  If you have any questions, are interested in giving it a try yourself, or have already completed the challenge and would like to share any experiences or advice, please feel free to comment below.

Starting Weight: 325.2 lbs

Previous Day’s Weight: 314.6 lbs

Morning Weigh-In: 312.2 lbs

Daily Change in Weight: -1.4 lbs (Shawna: -2.0 lbs)

Total Weight Loss: 13.0 lbs (Shawna: 9.0 lbs)

Day 7 started early for a Saturday.  We woke up around 7:30am so we could get on the road to Concordia, KS, for my grandma’s 91st-birthday party.  We hit the bathroom, weighed-in, and took our Xyng.  I loaded everything into the car while Shawna got ready, cuz, ya know, that’s what husbands do, apparently.  We drank our Lean shakes and decided to take our Global Blend on the road.  We were on our way by 8:30am with a plan to get through 60-80 oz of water before reaching our destination.

The drive was pretty uneventful–it is 200+ miles of Kansas highway.  We did, however, have to stop to use the restroom a couple times (an unanticipated fact which added nearly 30 minutes to our trip).  We made it to Concordia at about 12:30pm and met the family at Heavy’s BBQ where we had lunch together.  We took our Cheat+ before ordering and had some time to catch up with some people we hadn’t seen in a while.  Then, the moment of truth . . .  It was time to cut the cake.  I knew the whole time that we’d be having cake, but I still wasn’t sure if I was going to have any.  We had made a lot of progress during the challenge and didn’t really want to lose momentum.

birthday cakeSince it was an eating day, and we had already taken our Cheat+, we followed my sister’s lead and each had a small piece.  It was pretty awesome.

After lunch, we headed to my grandma’s apartment for a few hours to hang out.  We got some pictures of the kids running around and playing in the rain (friends can see them here).  We had a really good time.

By 3:30, most people were leaving, so we decided to head out as well.  My sister handed me a partial box of Xypsticks to try.  They’re basically the Super Fruit Global Blend in freeze-dried crystal form.  Plus, they’ve got aloe and xanthones (still don’t know what xanthones do).  We had forgotten about our Accelerate after lunch, so we just took those once we were on the road.

mpgWe had another 3 hour drive back to Omaha, so we listened to some episodes of White Horse Inn on the way.  At one point, I was stoked to look down and see this staring back at me.  And with the A/C on!  Usually we average about 36mpg on the highway.  Maybe we were driving downhill a lot.

We made it to Omaha a little after 7pm.  We got home and unloaded the car before going to dinner.  Since it was still an “eating day”, and we were really hungry, we decided to give Golden Corral a shot.  I’m pretty sure we tried just about every meat dish that they offered.  The only things that I really enjoyed were the buffalo wings (surprisingly) and my cottage cheese mixed with chopped nuts, sunflower seeds, and bacon bits.  Shawna enjoyed about a plate-and-a-half of batter-fried shrimp sans batter”.


We drove home full of protein and regret.  After about an hour, knowing that I likely topped 2,000 calories for the day, guilt finally got the better of me and I decided to spend about 20 minutes on the elliptical.  I quit at 400 calories hoping to have mitigated the damage of birthday cake + all-you-can-eat buffet.  After a shower and a final attempt to pass as much of the day’s mistakes as possible in the bathroom, we decided to turn in and cross our fingers until the morning’s weigh-in.  Just one more day to go!

Biggest Takeaways from Day 7:

  • One “shake day” seems to be enough to reverse any weight gained during an “eating day”.
  • The last half of the Challenge seems to go by more quickly than the first half.
  • When you’re watching what you’re eating, don’t make dinner decisions at the end of a 3-hour car ride.

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Filed under 8-Day Challenge, Health, Xyngular

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